Daiheng Gao

Daiheng Gao

Senior algorithm engineer, XR Lab at Alibaba
Google Scholar | GitHub | Twitter
daiheng.gdh@alibaba-inc.com | samuel.gao023@gmail.com

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K.Sun, J.Cao, Q.Wang, ..., D. Gao
OutfitAnyone: Ultra-high Quality Virtual Try-On for Any Clothing and Any Person
Arxiv 2024
X. Yang, X. Chen, D. Gao, S. Wang, X. Han, B. Wang
HAVE-FUN: Human Avatar Reconstruction from Few-Shot Unconstrained Images
CVPR 2024, Seattle
D. Gao, X. Chen, X.D Zhang, Qi. Wang, K. Sun, B. Zhang, L.F Bo, Q.X Huang
Cloth2Tex: A Customized Cloth Texture Generation Pipeline for 3D Virtual Try-On
3DV 2024, Davos
D. Gao, Y. Xiu, L. Li, L. Yang, F. Wang, P. Zhang, B. Zhang, C. Lu, P. Tan
DART: Articulated Hand Model with Diverse Accessories and Rich Textures
Neurips 2022, New Orleans
K. Zhou, X. Zhu, D. Gao, K. Lee, X. Li, X.-C. Yin
SD-GAN: Semantic Decomposition for Face Image Synthesis with Discrete Attribute
ACM MM 2022, Lisbon
D. Gao, X. Zhang, X. Chen, A. Tan, B. Zhang, P. Pan, P. Tan
CycleHand: Increasing 3D Pose Estimation Ability on In-the-wild Monocular Image through Cyclic Flow
ACM MM 2022, Lisbon
X. Zhang, Z. Zheng, D. Gao, B. Zhang, P. Pan, Y. Yang
MVCGAN: Multi-View Consistent Generative Adversarial Networks for 3D-aware Image Synthesis
CVPR 2022, New Orleans
Ivan Perov, D. Gao, Nikolay Chervoniy, K. Liu and etc.
DeepFaceLab: The leading face swapping system
Arxiv 2020


D. Gao
Industrial leading face swapping system on Sensing, Understanding and Synthesizing Humans workshop
ICCVW 2019, Seoul